Bridal Shows are The Best Way to Plan A Wedding
and Can Save You Time and Money!
Experts say: Attending a bridal show can be very helpful in planning your wedding. You will be able to meet and ask questions from many wedding professionals all under one roof! You will want to gather information, compare prices and services, register for prizes, see the latest fashions, get great new ideas and just have fun! Here are some tips that will help your day at the bridal show be more fruitful.

10 Tips For Attending Bridal Shows
1. Register Online
Save time at the door. If you do not register online, make sure you register when you enter. Registering will allow you to receive special money saving offers and receive free gifts and opportunities to win Big Prizes.
2. For attending most bridal shows, Create a temporary e-mail
Use a temporary e-mail while you are planning your wedding. That way you can delete it when you no longer are interested in receiving special offers or hearing from vendors. The amount of offers you receive at first may seem overwhelming, but take the time to read them or you may miss out on some very good deals. If you want to opt out from receiving emails from us or our vendors, just email us and/or unsubscribe on the email you receive.
3. Bring adhesive address labels
If you have them, or print some up on your computer. This will save you a lot of time when you register for prizes at individual booths. Most exhibitors will want to know your wedding date, Brides and Groom names, e-mail and mailing address, so add that to the label.
4. Make sure you get your Bride and Groom-to-be-stickers
Get your Bride or Groom stickers when you register in order to receive special attention from the wedding pros.
5. Walk down every aisle
Collect any information you are interested in and take it home to look over again at your leisure. The Bridal Spectacular gives every bride a keepsake shopping bag to carry the information you collect. When you get home organize it by category and select the professionals you want to make appointments with.
6. Bring your credit card or debit card
Bring your credit or debit card to the show in case you want to book any services or hold a date. Some of your best discounts will be given at the show.
7. If you are attending the Bridal Spectacular, it is Las Vegas' largest bridal show
Come prepared to spend at least 3 OR 4 hours to include time to see a fashion show and visit with all the wedding professionals.
8. Bring your fiance'
Make sure to bring your fiance’ with you for at least one trip to the event, then go again with your Mother and girlfriends. Going twice allows you to really take in everything you need to see.
9. Ask lots of questions
That’s what the vendors are there for. They want to help you and you are under no pressure to buy from them, so find out everything you need to know.
10. Wear comfortable shoes
Most Importantly… Have Fun and have a great time!