5 Fail-Proof Tips for Your Golf Bachelorette party
5 Tips for Your Golf Bachelorette party
One of the most iconic parts of a wedding is the pre-wedding party, the Bachelorette. One final hooray with your girls to live up the single lifestyle before tying the knot. It is also a great time to show the girls your gorgeous and wonderfully made wedding gown. Here are some tips to avoid drama, chaos, and enjoy a great time with friends.

bride and her bridesmaids in blue dresses at the Las Vegas Paiute Golf Resort just outside vegas. photo by moxie studio
#1 – Budget Judiciously
Weddings are expensive, the bachelorette party shouldn’t break the bank. Gathering a group of girls together and making sure there is still fun to be had requires sticking to a budget. Polling the group is a great way to see what people are able to spend on a weekend and party.
Although you might not be able to accommodate every person’s budget you can get an average of what people are willing to spend and start looking around form there. A tip is to try to work below the average so those on the lower end will have more fun and comfortable with nights out. Wear some golf outfits to match the theme, don’t forget the golf hat if you are hitting the course during the day. The last thing you and your friends want on a scorching Las Vegas day is a sunburn!
#2 – Communicate Frequently
As the head of the bachelorette party, communication is key to successfully getting multiple parties to the destination with minimal hassle. Make sure you set a communication schedule once you have set a location and date.
These can be easily set up in your personal or work emails. Google and outlook have easy email scheduling to send things out quickly. Depending on the number of activities scheduled for the trip or transportation plans, communications may need to be more frequent.
Part of frequent communications includes creating an itinerary for more complex plans. Good things to include are travel schedules of each person, arrival times, tickets needed, and what to wear.
#3 – Set the Rules Early
One rule of any wedding and bachelorette party is don’t upset the bride or bachelorette. It is her time and moment. As part of the communication and finding out budgets, asking about things people absolutely won’t do is important, especially the bride to be.
To avoid drama and chaos, make sure each person is comfortable with the activities being planned. This doesn’t necessarily mean some won’t venture off into the night after scheduled activities are done, these activities should never make it onto an itinerary.
#4 – Keep a “Chaperone”
Bachelorette parties can be fueled by alcohol and all sorts of crazy activities. Although not always fun being the chaperone, try to assign one person, not the bachelorette, to make sure the party moves from one itinerary item to the next. As the alcohol starts to flow, there will ultimately be more discord. Make sure as part of your communications you delegate a chaperone or designated driver for each day.
#5 – Have a Backup
Making sure there is a backup plan for your activities especially when considering areas where rain can be finicky. Just because the weather isn’t cooperating doesn’t mean the party needs to stop. The more you plan the better your bachelorette weekend will be. Consider activities that include not only indoors but outdoor fun as well.

Bride and bridesmaids at Golf Club Wedding. photo by Moxie Studio
Consider a Golf Resort
Many modern golf courses are now conducive to bachelorette parties. With fully loaded spa packages, world-class restaurants, and acres of scenic views. Golf is a great way to continue the party. Whether you are playing nine or eighteen holes, each round with your clubs will be plenty of fun.
A quick tip is to find a golf resort near your favorite city because typically the rooms will be cheaper and a quick Uber, Lyft, or resort shuttle can get you there quickly. In Las Vegas we have dazzling country clubs with nice intimate hotels nearby for your dream escape.
Now that you have a guide to assuring a great bachelorette party, remember the most important rule above all, Have Fun! This is supposed to be a great time for the bride to be and your entire party. If you are looking for a golf outing or venue for the reception, Las Vegas country clubs and banquet facilities are a perfect choice.
Need more fun wedding ideas? Check out Alicia and Greg’s wedding shared with their Fur babies!